Today is April 16, 2021. What a horrible statistic was announced today by CNN: “45th mass shooting in the United States since the Atlanta area spa shooting on March 16” . . . CNN considers a mass shooting incident to be “if 4 or more people are shot and wounded or killed”.
That includes the incident of today in Indianapolis, Indiana. It all happened within a month!
How can that be acceptable to a so-called educated, advanced civilized country? Damn the NRA, damn the Republicans in Congress or anyone who opposes gun control—this can’t be accepted as ‘the norm’ in our nation! All the varying voices of protest against violence must be respected. The American public wants it stopped—I don’t know the percentage number, but it clearly is the majority that want this kind of outrage to end.
How have guns become so sacrosanct that their ‘right to be’ exceeds that of human life? It is an absurdity from every direction that automatic weapons of war are available for purchase at local stores. No other country allows such an absurdity!
Has our nation become so atheistic that the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill’ has no power or meaning against the Almighty Gun? The ferocity of opposition to removal of weapons of war from our store shelves is tantamount to the revering of a commandment.
It may be true that the banning of assault weapons won’t end the slaughter, there will always be someone who chooses to kill, but the number of people killed by one person at a time can be altered dramatically.
In the name of all that is good and holy, we must act against this kind of menace.
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