Series: Long-Term Vision #7 final
I want to bring together the various themes of my writing. This blog began 5 years ago with an all-encompassing poem; then I wrote about observations from the world of our times and humanity’s search for God. Throughout I’ve made references to Teilhard de Chardin, a scientist and theologian. In 2015 herein I wrote a 7 part series outlining some of his concepts. Although he is well known among theologian, the revolutionary nature and complexity of his writing makes him little known to the average person so I strive to make his ideas more understandable because he is the key to the integration of science and religion—which are NOT incompatible but rather two sides of the coin of knowledge. Science seeks the when, where and how of the world while religion seeks the who and why of existence.
The revolutionary concept of our time is the realization of the interconnectedness of all life. We are moving toward unifying our world, not into sameness but with respect for our diversities. Peaceful co-existence is the goal. That understanding begins with evolution and consciousness—both new concepts to the 20thand 21stcenturies. Evolution is the underlying principle of all that is. Consciousness is the unique human quality that allows for our freedom and the ability to shape our world. Darwin gave us the mechanistic understanding that life evolved from simple forms to more complex ones (complexity). Teilhard gave us the understanding of the non-material dimension of life (consciousness) whereby, over long spans of time, rudimentary awareness in lower creatures increased to become reflective awareness in humans. He identified ‘the law of complexity-consciousness’. Our human consciousness continues to expand to ever see greater order and 'rightness'.
All that exists follows an ordered pattern of development. The coming-to-be of materiality resulted not from random happenings (though randomness is involved) but in a discernable order. We can see a relentless directionality from lower to higher order. Telescopes show us the order of the universe, we have discovered the order in our solar system, science tell us of the order and delicate balance of the elements that make up our world, we know of the order to new life coming into existence, and we have all lived through the ordered pattern of growth and development from childhood to adulthood. We will collectively come to see a higher order in recognizing the interdependence of all of life and act accordingly; harm to any part affects the whole.
A dictionary definition of order: 1) a condition of logical or comprehensible arrangement among separate elements of a group; 2) prescribed arrangements among component parts such that proper functioning or appearance is achieved. Note the words logical, comprehensible, prescribed, and functional. Order is a product of conscious intent.The overwhelming presence of order in life and the universe points to ‘something’ consciously guiding the process, because order follows intent.
I choose to call the ‘something’ Mystery God. Others can choose other names or no name—but what I see is an ordered universe and beings with consciousness capable of long-term vision, people that can formulate and reach for goals. And I see in those beings of every race and culture a shared desire for a sustainable world at Peace. Not all, and not soon, surely not in my lifetime or my children or grandchildren’s, but it is enough to join the flow of life striving for unity that will one day realize all life’s interconnectedness.
Some would consider that ‘seeking God’ (source of love, truth, goodness, hope . . .). Or others may prefer to consider it as seeking ‘indestructible rightness’, by whatever the name; our goal is to build a better world.
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