Thursday, January 11, 2018

Pattern Seen

How can an otherwise intelligent person conclude there is no God?  I understand rejecting the god-images we have constructed—none are true.  But there is pattern and order to existence, which can be discovered, and that is the product of consciousness.  How can anyone look at the wonder of the universe and conclude it is all there by random chance without direction and intent?  Even the simplest scientific exploration tells us of the amazing delicate balance of elements that allows for existence and life.  Order does not self-create; it is the product of forethought and planning.  Whoever or whatever God is, God is Consciousness and our consciousness is humanity’s link to the unknown God.  Creator of the Universe, originator of pattern and order, I can only bow in humble thanksgiving.

When the species human emerged eons ago, man entered the world of nature as it had appeared to all other living creatures, but the human possessed a unique quality, that of consciousness tuned with reflective awareness—the ability to reason, look back and recall, to look forward and anticipate—the quality slowly awakened and relentlessly evolved; with it the human constructed language and began to alter the environment to his advantage.

Fast forward millions of years and see how the human has changed the face of the earth: from outer space one can see earth’s darkness dotted with lights; we have built structures and machines which have connected all parts of the globe with marvels of transportation and communication; we have made discoveries that combat diseases and enable us to see beyond this small world into the vast universe.  Surely chance plays a role, but it is the result of thought born of consciousness that brings forth the marvels of human effort.  Is that not a reflection of all creation?

Human kind is not just ‘another animal’; the human person is a new species--evolution's goal.  “If a tree falls in the forest and there are no ears to hear, is there a sound?”  Mankind is the being who sees, hears, knows and comprehends the wonders of it all and has the freedom to change what is given—that is co-creation.  We discover truth, we don’t invent it.  The pattern and order is there for us to find and see. 

In the evolution that produced life there is another necessary element which is ‘attraction’ (seeking union; which at its highest level is love).  Atoms join to form molecules, molecules join to form cells, cells join to form organs, etc.  Male and female join to form family units and produce new beings; thoughts and ideas join to form new concepts; enemies that have fought wars become allies to promote peace—slowly it all comes together—human consciousness seeks love and harmony.  We have yet too fully awaken, but the intended pattern can be seen.


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