This is the worst day in the history of the United States of America! Donald Trump, a con-artist, a criminal and a malignant narcissist who created a lie about the last election which he lost, and then incited a riot—an insurrection against the Capital. The nation watched in horror over TV then apparently forgot all about it! He has been re-elected president of this nation that held the light of liberty and freedom to the world for some 300 years. We have lost something precious. The finest of humanities ideals began to crumble in the 20thcentury. First came world war one followed by world war two. Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and instituted malhumn horrors against a race of people. The war raged for years until the additional horror of the US dropping 2 atom bombs on Japan . . . was Armageddon released?
As the US grew in power it began losing a connection with God; prayer was outlawed in schools and government events. The desire to become rich increased and soon money became the god of many people. Guns became a quasi-idol and could not be controlled by laws. Slowly? or rapidly? moral decline set in and decency gradually evaporated. In this atmosphere, over half of this nation elected immoral and amoral Donald Trump to lead our nation.