Easter season
continues until Pentecost, so I look again at the Easter message—Jesus died for
our sins. It has always troubled me when
preachers say Jesus died for MY sins—indicating a personal thing. Beyond personal sin, there is societal sin—a
far greater offense! Our world is a
singular unit in the vast Universe. We
are one interdependent/interacting world.
We’ve not acknowledged that, we’ve not learned to love as God loves, we’ve
held self-interest above universal concerns so our world is in crisis: Climate
Change breeds weather disasters, our institutions are failing and in disarray, angry
rebellion and wars are widespread, refugees flood neighboring nation’s exhausting
their ability to give aid . . . because we haven’t learned to love.
With his
Passion, Jesus lived evil’s consequences.
Jesus did more than just free us from our personal sins—God could have
done that with a wave of his hand—but not without canceling free will. That freedom has given us the right to shape
our world by our collective choices. In
Deuteronomy God’s edict to mankind is:
“I lay before you life and death, choose life.” That points to freedom that carries the burden
of responsibility. When we maim and steal, maliciously exploit, abuse our
neighbor and ignore their needs we are choosing
to sin. Individually it is personal sin,
but when adopted by a culture it is destructive to Humanity. God, in the human form of Jesus elected to
live out sin’s long-range effects . . . he endured the harshest, cruelest, most
malhuman acts of which man is capable—unfettered venomous hatred and complete
utter destruction—that is sin’s consequences.
Jesus lived it
out for our understanding. He endured it
and his body was destroyed, but his spirit rose. Only love is strong enough to conquer
evil—hatred and wars are its fuel. The
Passion addressed our human need to see proof of the effect of not learning to
love. God loves us that much; to become
the material evidence of sin’s overwhelming destructive power.
In this 21st
Century humanity cannot continue to be a world of ‘us’ and ‘them’. Thousands of years have been spent exploring,
discovering, developing and connecting the ‘parts’ of this one world, and, if
we but look, we can’t help but see we are One interacting, interconnected
single unit in a vast Universe—we survive or perish together. Jesus’ entire earthly message was ‘love one
another as I have loved you’.
The Passion was
God’s pure love showing us the outcome of the path we are walking—until we
learn to love. He died
willingly to bring the message: God
loves us this much! Because Jesus rose from death, we esteem him,
praise and honor him—for our theology tells us that doing so is a guarantee of our
personal salvation . . . but do we understand the message? It’s more than Jesus saves each of us; the call is salvation for all of us. God awaits humanity together, to choose for life.
We are called to return God’s love by learning how to love as God loves.
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